Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Quick Cribbage is Live!

I am pleased to announce that Quick Cribbage for the web is now live online. 

Now you can enjoy Cribbage on any browser on any device, Windows, Mac, iPad, Tablet, etc. This is the result of five months of work porting and improving my popular Quick Cribbage for Windows game into a web application. I am pleased with the results and will continue making improvements now that it's compatible with a wider platform. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Quick Cribbage for the Web

For those of you already familiar with Quick Cribbage for Windows I am currently converting all my games to run as web applications. I have already converted Quick Solitaire so a lot of the ground work has been done. I truly believe that applications running in a browser on any device are the future of software and so I am directing all of my efforts towards that goal. Sorry Microsoft, it's time to move on.

Converting Quick Cribbage is my next challenge.

Over the holidays I worked full-time converting my Pascal version of Cribbage to Dart (HTML/Javascript/css) and I'm happy to say it works. I can now play a complete game of Quick Cribbage with a few user interface issues to be resolved.

Here is Quick Cribbage running on an iPad

Many of you have asked for a more intuitive point counting user interface with fewer popups. That is my next challenge now that I am on the web platform. From this point on I don't plan on updating the Windows version anymore since you can always run the new one in your browser on your Windows machine or on any device for that matter.